Christmas Cranberry Salad

My first big job out of high school was at a local steakhouse. We made a cranberry salad around the holidays that was so sweet/sour/addictive I had a hard time not eating myself sick on it. This recipe I found in an old cookbook that was a gift from my boss at that time-I don’t…

Fresh Cranberry Sauce

As always, I think all the food at Thanksgiving should be home cooked from scratch. A little biased there, my family makes a killer dinner. Reality check says many people don’t have the time or don’t know how. So my thought is, you probably just never knew how EASY it is to make your own…

Sweet Dinner Rolls

I love bread. Yeah, I know, I love food. But nothing beats the smell of freshly baked homemade bread. I don’t make bread in the summer because of the heat, but come fall and winter, I love to start up my baking again. This recipe is very simple. I don’t do anything fancy, just mix,…

Italian Pasta Salad

I tend to make only one pasta salad, so today I thought I would try creating an italian version. I always use rotelle noodles, and cook slightly al dente. I also used fresh garden cucumbers and tomatoes (it’s that time of year) and I am pretty happy with the result. I didn’t take any pictures…

Grilled Red Bell Peppers

Last night was one of those nights my hubby and I both felt like cooking. He mans the grill, and I do the inside stuff. We decided on grilled chicken, had a fresh zucchini out of the garden, and some red bell peppers that wouldn’t last another day. I decided to steam some rice and…

What to do with all that zucchini-grill it!

I love this time of year. My little backyard garden struggles with consistency with the exception of the zucchini. I can never give any away, either others have more than they can handle or they don’t like it. Woe is them! Not like zucchini??! Zucchini is one of those veggies that has to be cooked…